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Wednesday 29 June 2011

Media Blog =)

Dear bloggers!
                         In our last Term we have been learing about the media in our english lessons, and we had to do mini reviews, which were about movies. So we had to watch films and put them in great detail when we were writing our reviews, the movies were such as 'Holes', 'Signs' and 'The Incredibles'. It was very excting to do in this unit of work, but it was also quite hard to put it in massive detail. And our big review was about the movie 'Signs' and we watched the whole film and then wrote the review about what i thought about the film and it will be leveled and it was the most important piece in our unit. And i personally enjoyed the whole unit because it was exciting and different to what i would normally do in English.
          These movies were made out to be more exciting than i thought because i really thought about how they made the movie and how well they acted and the visual effects. And also i would now really think about the movies that would be made in the future.
Hope you enjoyed it :) xxxx

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